pianists for a lifetime

The Diaz School of Piano is unique in comparison to traditional piano instruction.  Students are equipped with the ability to read and play traditional classical music as well as contemporary, blues, and pop styles.  Through a pattern-based approach, students will grow in their ability to improvise, arrange, and compose pieces in new and original ways.  All of this is achieved in a social setting, where students take classes together and get to share their growth, challenges, and successes with one another.  This fun and encouraging environment gives students motivation to learn piano Heskills that they can take from the studio to share with their community. 


In-Studio Health Procedures

By coming to your lesson, you are acknowledging that you have self-assessed your health and confirm that you:

  • are not experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms.

  • have not been in close contact with someone diagnosed with COVID-19 in the last 48 hours.

  • have not been directed by a health professional to self-quarantine.

Procedures for entering/exiting the studio:  

  • Students must sanitize/wash their hands before playing the keyboards.

  • Masks are required upon entering the studio, during group classes, and upon exiting the studio.

  • Group teachers and students will wear masks during the duration of their classes.

Due to the gathering size regulation of 10 people indoors, parents will be asked to not wait in the waiting area during group classes.

Students will be asked to wipe down their stations with disinfecting wipes at the completion of their class.

Class periods are 50 minutes and there will be no “live” performance times at the end of each class.

Top 3 Questions for Semester Piano Classes and Lessons

  1. Will Diaz School of Piano be open for Classes and lessons? Yes! Group Classes and Individual Lessons are available.

  2. Will you have in-person options available? Yes. Group classes will be offered at the piano studio and individual lessons will be available both at the piano studio as well as at students’ homes.

  3. What precautions will you take to help keep students healthy and safe? The health and safety of students and teachers are of highest priority. Here are a few precautions that we are using at the studio:

    • Hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipes available in each room.

    • Each student has their own keyboard/workstation. Keyboards disinfected between each class and lesson.

    • Student wellness self-screen of symptoms prior to entering the studio.

    • Class sizes of 8 or under with students at least 6’ apart.

    • Performance Time (the last 10 minutes of class where students share their music on the grand piano with classmates & family) will be temporarily discontinued.

    • Class sessions will be shorter (50 minutes, as opposed to 60 minutes) to account for Performance Time being temporarily discontinued. Students will have the opportunity to share their Performance Time music via video or audio recording.

    • Face coverings worn during group class instruction.



Learning to play piano at a young age provides the benefit of carrying those skills for life.  Elementary classes provide and build on basics of piano playing and encourage students to grow in confidence of their skills through performance time and recitals.  

Middle School/High School


Middle and high school students who are new to piano as well as those who have years of experience are invited to develop and grow their skills with other students their age.  



It's not too late to start - or to start again! Introductory and advanced classes are available for the adult student who wished they had kept learning the piano, or wished they had started years ago.

